We are proud of the rich and diverse music and arts curriculum we offer in our federation. We believe that developing children’s creativity is a vital part of their growth and development. We aim to help them to become independent and self-confident individuals. Their creative and performance skills are integral to this desire. All children are encouraged to perform, either as soloists or in small groups, in situations which range from a Harvest Festival in the local church with an audience of parents and members of the community, to a federation choir performance to the wider public. We try to expose children to a wide range of stimuli from all parts of the world and, whenever possible, we do this through live performance, workshops, trips to the theatre and other first-hand experiences.
At St. Mary's Bucknell School and Clunbury School, the Shropshire Music Service provides a specialist music teacher who delivers high quality music curriculum lessons. These lessons feed into whole Federation musical events at different points of the year. Shropshire Music Service also provide peripatetic music lessons for children.