Cookie information

This site stores certain information as 'cookies' on your device in order to improve your website experience with the Bluehills Federation. 

Examples of things we use cookies for are:

  • remember settings and information, so you don't have to keep re-entering them
  • measure how you use the site so we can make sure it meets your needs
  • optimise performance so the website is faster and more reliable

When you visit our website we also record your computer's internet protocol (IP) address to help us diagnose any problems with our computer network. Any information logged isn't given to any third party companies, and is kept solely for the reasons stated above. It's not linked to personally identifiable information so all visitors to our site remain anonymous.

Non-essential cookies

We also use third party services to gather information on how our website is used, which helps us improve our pages and overall website design. These services have their own cookies, but as they aren't essential to how our website works you can choose if you want to accept them or not using the prompt which appears at the top of the page when you first use this website.