
It’s important to us at Newcastle School that all pupils are treated equally and are given the same opportunities.

Details of arrangements for pupils with a disability

The admission arrangements for those pupils with a disability are the same as those for all pupils. If a disabled child/children wishes to be admitted to the school the governors and staff will take all reasonable measures to make this possible and to ensure full access to the curriculum and school activities.
Wheelchair access to the school building has been improved by the provision of ramps at both the front, side and rear of the school building. In addition, there is a toilet equipped for wheelchair users. All appropriate door entrances comply with or exceed width regulations allowing access for wheelchair users.

Accessibility plan

Increasing access for disabled pupils to the school curriculum

  • To provide an accessible and appropriate curriculum for all children according to their particular needs
  • To review whether the curriculum remains accessible and appropriate for all children according to their particular needs

Improving access to the physical environment of the school

  • To consider the physical limitations of the school building and plan possible action/building work/ alterations. Where routine maintenance work is carried out, make use of any opportunities for improving access
  • When refurbishing, consider optimal benefits to pupils with visual impairment
  • To improve access where practically possible

Improving the delivery of written information to disabled pupils

  • To provide information in simple language, symbols, large print, audio-tape or in Braille for prospective pupils who may have difficulty reading standard forms
  • Audit resources to ensure the needs of prospective SEN pupils are met
  • All materials and formats are provided for SEN and disabled pupils