Within the school the children are taught in two mixed-age classes. Our two classes are called Oak (Year 4 to 6) and Acorn (Reception to Year 3) The teachers employ a variety of teaching methods including individual, group and whole class teaching. The methods are chosen to best meet the needs of the children.
Our topic for Autumn Term 2024 is Heroes (Acorn Class) and Crime and Punishment (Oak Class).
The education offered at the school is both academic and pastoral, which reflects our school vision:
Proverbs 22:6: Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives (Good News Bible).
We have high expectations of the children, in both work and behaviour, we're committed to enabling them to achieve at the highest levels possible as well as helping them to grow up into independent, caring and thoughtful individuals.
The curriculum offered at the school meets all the requirements of the national curriculum. Copies of these curriculum documents are available in school.
We follow programmes of study appropriate to the stages of the individual child’s educational, social and emotional development. Pupils with special educational needs are fully supported in the school and may follow modified programmes of study at the headteacher’s discretion.
The National Curriculum consists of:
- English, maths, science, Computing and RE – the core subjects
- Geography, history, music, PE – the foundation subjects
- Design and technology, art
- Personal social health education (PSHE)
For each subject the programme of study sets out what the children should be taught at each Key Stage. Years 1 and 2 make up Key Stage 1, years 3,4,5, and 6 make up Key Stage 2. The foundation stage covers both nursery and reception and runs from age 3 to 5.