Ofsted and SIAMS Reports and Results

We are very proud of our school, staff, pupils and their achievements. You can read more statistical information and official reports relating to our school below.


Ofsted inspections can be found on the Ofsted website.

School Performance

Please find the following links for the DFE Key Stage 2 Performance measures as published by the Secretary of State. Link here

End of Key Stage results

Our school details and KS2 performance tables can be seen on the Department for Education website.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

The school has a SIAMS inspection due this year (2023/4). When it is published, you will be able to view our SIAMS reports directly on our page of the Church of England website. The report can be found in the ‘School Information’ box on this page, bottom right.

Parent View

Parent View allows you to submit feedback about our school. You can register and complete their survey on the Parent View website.