PTA (Friends of Clunbury School)

The Friends of Clunbury School is open to anyone who is interested in helping to raise funds for the children. Friends and parents are asked for fundraising ideas and to help plan and partake in events.

We have an annual general meeting in October which is open to everyone. We also meet more regularly to discuss upcoming events. All meetings take place in school.

The Friends of Clunbury School run a number of different events throughout the year, for example bingo nights, supplying refreshments at school events such as sports day, Christmas nativity and other school events. We also organise an annual fair during the summer term.

The money raised is spent on extra curricular equipment, specific classroom items and school trips, eg a whole school pantomime trip to Theatre Severn in December.

Our current committee comprises:

  • Chair – Polly Giles and Harriet Price
  • Treasurer – Nicki Williams