School Council

The School Council at St Mary’s takes a very active part in school life. They help make decisions about how to move forward in a way that will benefit them and their peers, including deciding how to raise money and what they would like it to be spent on.

In the past year, the council have organised raffles, cake sales, coin trails and celebrated Red Nose Day by painting noses and collecting donations. From money raised the school council bought books for every class and new playground equipment.  The School Council also had the very important job of helping to interview potential candidates for any new roles around school, as well as ensuring all visitors to the school are welcomed properly and provided with a cup of tea or coffee. Regular meetings are held and decisions are made about further improvements.

The school council is open to everyone of all ages in the school.  All that’s required is a letter saying why you want to join the council and any ideas for future.

One of our pupils who is working towards her Blue Hills Federation Platinum Award has set up an ECO Council which meets fortnightly to discuss how we can become more environmentally friendly as a school.  The ECO Council write to local MPs and work with the local community to have their say on local environmental issues and support new initiatives in their community.

Philip Dunne