Our Local Church

At our school we try to ensure that children learn and grow in a predominantly Christian environment.
Our school is closely linked with the village church of St Mary’s and both are important focal points of the village of Bucknell. Children who attend the school will visit the church, and are given opportunities to take part in practical aspects of church life. We aim to further develop links with other groups, with individuals and with the local and wider community.

Children take part in a daily act of worship and there will be opportunities to develop spiritual awareness through prayer and reflection. We encourage the children to develop a sense of awe and wonder at the world around them. We also help them to develop an understanding and empathy towards the needs and beliefs of others, and a consideration of other faiths through our religious education and personal, social and health education and citizenship programmes.

Parents do have the right to withdraw their child/ren from religious education and collective worship. Parents who wish to do this should make an appointment to speak to the Head of School so that arrangements can be made.

Alternative provision will be made for any pupils who are withdrawn in the form of consolidation or extension of other curricular work.

Bucknell Church
Our Local Church