Events Catherine Cooper announces the winners!

Class 2 and 3 were treated to another fantastic online session with Brit writers Award winning local author Catherine Cooper to announce the prizes to our recent writing competition.  Each child was tasked with designing a new object for a character from her books: either for Peabody's Emporium or the Armoury where all the weapons (which can't harm you!) are stored. The imagination and creativity shown by each of the entries was outstanding!
Catherine commented, "Ron and I were really impressed with the effort your children had put into their entries.  The other two judges were blown away by the children's creativity, even my proofreader was able to suspend what she usually does and was able to enjoy what the children had written.  This is why it is an absolute pleasure to do something special for the children in your school -  their imaginations and creativity shone through their work and that deserves recognition." 
Congratulations to each and every winner who received a certificate and a very special prize made by hand by Catherine: their own miniature object created from their written description.  Some of the prizes also included a home zoom session with Catherine as well as the opportunity for their new object to be used in her next book!  Because Catherine was so impressed with the quality of everyone's work, she ensured that all children received a prize and a personal handwritten comment from her regarding their writing. 
We are so privileged as a school to have this very special relationship with Catherine and would like to thank her for all of the hours that she spends with us both in online sessions and in commenting on our writing. We hope that these prizes and certificates will be treasured by the children for years to come and that memories of wonderful writing opportunities at St Mary's will  stay with them always!