
A visit from our favourite author!

Catherine Cooper, our favourite author, came to visit our school today to meet Key Stage Two children in person after running a series of zoom sessions and a writing competition this year. The winners of the competition were awarded a copy of her new book and were especially thrilled to see their names listed at the back! Thank you to Catherine...

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Whinberry picking season!

It has been a year since our last visit to the ecological site at Black Hill near Clunton and this week, we witnessed a real change in our surroundings! Thanks to members of the local parish council, a section of land has been restored to its former glory: the bracken and conifers under control and the land is now covered in whinberries. Class 3...

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And we have lift off!

Thank you to Rob from the South Shropshire Engineering Ambassadors who organised the most fantastic and informative trip for Class 3 to RAF Cosford this week. The year 5 and 6 pupils took part in STEM workshops in the morning, which included firing hand made rockets and designing cars with parachutes to drop from balconies! In the afternoon, the...

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Jamaican Rhythms!

The whole school were also treated to an upbeat, interactive musical session by 'Surge Forward'. They learnt lots about life in Jamaica and the wonderful music that originates from there. Thank you to the amazing musicians Leoni (Reggae singer), Syd (guitarist) and Ruth (violinist) for giving up their time.

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She sells seashells on the sea shore!

Class 2 had a fantastic visit to Barmouth as part of our topic, 'Contrasting our own locality with a seaside locality'. We really enjoyed eating ice-creams, digging and playing on the beach, looking for human and physical features, walking along the promenade and carrying out some surveys to help with our work in school. The behaviour of the cla...

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Final day at Arthog!

A fantastic day of raft building and rock scrambling at Arthog before returning home! Thank you to the professional and experienced Arthog staff for a truly brilliant few days, creating memories which will remain with the year six children for years to come.

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Arthog is amazing!

The year sixes from across the federation have had a fantastic time so far on their weekend residential to Arthog. From beach art work, evening hike, canoeing, gorge walking, delicious food and amazing company, the children have had such a wonderful time so far. The smiles haven't left their faces!

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Tag Rugby Stars!

Several children from within the Federation came together last week to compete at the TagFest tournament held at Luctonian’s Rugby club. After an initial loss, the children managed to win their following eight matches that they played, including the final against a well-drilled Clee Hill team. The final was competitive and went to extra time bef...

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Arabian beats!

​Thank you to the fantastic musicians from Little Weed Music ( who came this week to run an Arabian music and rhythm workshop for our year 5 and 6s. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to explore new rhythms and enjoy playing a selection of instruments together alongside professional musicians. They fi...

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Triple crown for reading

We are delighted to announce that St Mary's Primary has been awarded the Reading for Pleasure Award from the Society of Authors for a THIRD year in a row! We believe that reading books for pleasure is a fundamental part of a child's development and unlocks the door to future success. We are therefore so proud to be a school where children enjoy...

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Happy Easter!

Thank you for the warm welcome to St Mary's Church Pop Up Café this week. Class 3 really enjoyed singing their Easter songs to the local residents of the village. Thank you to the café staff for the delicious cakes afterwards!

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Musical learning at Newcastle!

Thank you to Rupert Marshall (, a local professional violinist, for a fantastic performance at Newcastle School this week. He explained how sound was created by the violin and explained all of the different parts of the instrument. His rendition of Ferdinand the Bull with his wife as storyteller was outstandi...

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Medieval fun at Ludlow Castle!

Class 1 recently had our visit to Ludlow Castle to explore, have fun and learn about why castles are built where they are and what life was like in a castle. They had a good time with no rain falling, despite the drizzly forecast. They walked around the outside of the castle, went up some of the towers, saw a dragon, looked inside a well and wen...

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Spectacular Science

All of Key Stage Two had a fabulous time celebrating National Science Day this week! Here is what the Year 5s had to say about the experience: ACE AND SPACE! Thank you to Mrs Rowsell for organising a spectacular Science event as part of National Science Day this week. It was an amazing opportunity to be in the company of scientists from Warwick...

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Viking Visit

Thank you to the Jorvik Viking Centre for visiting us virtually this week in Class 3 to teach us about viking invasions and weapons. We feel very inspired to find out more about our topic this term!

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Stone Age Day!

Class 2 had a visit from some Stone Age visitors last term, learning the skills of flint knapping and making clay pots. They also explored a wide range of animal skins and tools/weapons and found out lots about the Stone Age, led by someone who had actually lived as a Stone Age person themselves!

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Christmas at St Mary's!

Well done to all of the children of St Mary's Primary for a truly fantastic and professional Christmas performance at our special, local church which looked so beautifully decorated for the festive season. We hope that you all have had a restful Christmas and are looking forward to a new exciting term! Happy New Year everybody!

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St Mary's win the Reading for Pleasure Award for a second year running!

We are thrilled to announce that St Mary's has won the Reading for Pleasure Award for a second year running! Nominated for the award by local author, Catherine Cooper, Key Stage Two won a fantastic virtual workshop in which they were shown Catherine's new book cover (hot off the press and unseen as yet by the general public!) as well as a select...

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Harvest Festival Fun!

Well done to all of the children for the hard work that they put into preparing for this year's Harvest Festival! From big, red combine harvesters to autumnal choral speaking, we were treated to a fabulous selection of performances from all age groups.

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Pearl of Africa workshops

What a fantastic day we have had with the team from Pearl of Africa. The children were given the opportunity to work alongside talented musicians, learning a catchy call and response traditional African song as well as having a go at drumming and dancing! The smiles never left their faces! You can find out more about this amazing charity here .

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