SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities)

At The Blue Hills Federation, we work hard to ensure that all children with special needs have their needs met. We know that all parents and carers have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education and children at our school who have special educational needs are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.

Children with special educational needs will receive specific help from their class teachers, their special needs coordinator and a classroom assistant. When necessary we will also seek specialist advice from Shropshire’s Learning Support Team and other agencies.

If we consider that it would be valuable for our attached Learning Support Advisory Teacher, or any other member of the team, to meet with a child so as to assess his or her specific needs, we will first discuss the arrangements with the child’s parents and obtain their written consent.

Pupils with special educational needs will spend most of their time fully integrated within their class group. Sometimes they will be supported by their teacher; the special needs co-ordinator or the classroom assistant either individually or in small groups. On occasions, however, it may be necessary to support pupils for some of the time outside the classroom. This will depend on the nature of their needs.

All three of our schools are single storey buildings on flat sites. Therefore they provide reasonable access for wheelchair users. Every effort will always be made to accommodate pupils with any disability.

We will always consult with parents if we feel that a child needs additional support with their learning. In this way, we can further develop links between home and school, knowing that by working together we can ensure the children’s needs are met.

Children with special educational needs all have an Individual Education Plan, which lists targets and strategies for reaching them. These IEP’s are discussed with parents and are reviewed each half term.

.Are you a parent carer of a child or young person who is on SEN support or has an EHCP?  Shropshire Council’s SEND Local Offer webpages have lots of information, support and resources for parents/carers of children with SEND, including education, EHCPs, health and wellbeing, early help, family support, financial support, transport, things to do and lots more.